Moffett Truck Delivery Service Serving Canada & U.S.A.

Handling materials and deliveries efficiently is challenging enough, but what do you do in locations where traditional off-loading equipment is unavailable? Find a versatile and efficient solution for these scenarios with Horizon Fast Freight’s Moffett truck delivery service serving Canada and the U.S.A. Whether you’re dealing with challenging terrain or need a specialized delivery solution, our Moffett truck service is here to support your logistics needs across North America.

What is a Moffett (Trailer Mounted Forklift)?

Used to handle material when traditional off-loading equipment is unavailable, Moffetts are trailer-mounted forklifts that can get the job done. This is a specialized service in the realm of flatbed trucking used for material handling that requires an alternative solution. 

Sometimes, delivery locations do not have forklifts available, or a forklift can simply not operate due to the site’s terrain. Moffetts are the ideal equipment for these situations, as they are available on various trailer types and lengths. 

Benefits of Moffett Truck Delivery Service

Our Moffett truck delivery service makes your logistics operations more efficient and adaptable. Easily overcome common delivery challenges and ensure smooth performance in various situations.

Efficiency and Flexibility

Moffett trucks help speed up the delivery process by allowing easy off-loading right at the delivery site. They can navigate tough terrains to get materials where they need to be without delays or extra handling.


Moffett trucks are suitable for a wide range of delivery scenarios. They can be mounted on various types of trailers, including flatbeds and step decks, and are particularly beneficial in industries including:

  • Construction Industry: Delivering materials like bricks, lumber, and heavy equipment to rugged building sites.
  • Manufacturing Industry: Handling raw materials and finished products for facilities across the continent.
  • Agriculture Industry: Delivering feed, fertilizer, and supplies in challenging agricultural environments
  • Retail and Distribution: Our Moffett truck service allows for efficient off-loading in tight spaces or busy urban areas.
  • Events and Exhibitions: Quick setup and teardown of equipment and materials at even the most remote locations.

How Horizon’s Moffett Truck Delivery Service Works

From the moment you book our Moffett truck delivery service, our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure a seamless operation. Your account manager will be your direct point of contact and will coordinate the entire process, from planning the route to ensuring your goods or materials are safely delivered to their destination in a timely manner.

Safety and Compliance

Safety is paramount in all our operations. Our Moffett truck operators are highly trained professionals who adhere to stringent safety protocols and compliance measures. You can rest easy knowing your materials will be handled with the utmost care.

Why Choose Horizon Fast Freight for Moffett Truck Delivery?

Choosing Horizon Fast Freight for your Moffett truck delivery needs means partnering with a company that prioritizes precision, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Here’s why we stand out as a leader in this field:

  • Extensive Industry Expertise: With years of experience in logistics and transportation services, our team has a deep understanding of local and cross-border shipping.
  • Robust Network Connections: We maintain strong relationships with key players in the logistics industry to provide better routes, competitive rates, and faster transit times.
  • Rapid Response Times: Even if you need expedited shipping to meet tight deadlines, our rapid response times mean your shipments arrive on time every time.
  • Customized Logistics Solutions: The Horizon team adapts our logistics solutions to meet the specific needs of your business and cargo.
  • Advanced Technology Integration: Real-time GPS tracking and advanced software provide real-time updates on the status of your freight.
  • Exceptional Customer Service: Our dedicated team provides personalized service from start to finish, promptly answering your questions and meeting your needs.
  • Proven Reliability: Our track record speaks for itself. We have successfully managed thousands of shipments, upholding our standards of quality, safety and service.

Contact Horizon About Our Moffett Truck Delivery Service

Ready to experience the efficiency and versatility of our Moffett truck delivery service? Discuss this specialized service with the Horizon Fast Feight team to decide whether it’s the best option for your needs. Contact us today, tell us about your shipping needs, and we will work with you to find the ideal solution. Trust Horizon for your shipping needs in Canada and the U.S.A.

FAQ: Moffett Truck Service

Curious about how our Moffett truck delivery service can meet your needs? Here are some frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between a forklift and a Moffett?

A forklift is typically used indoors on smooth surfaces, such as in warehouses, and must be transported separately. A Moffett is a trailer-mounted forklift designed for rugged terrains and outdoor environments. It can be attached to trucks for easy transport and used directly at delivery sites.

Are there any limitations on where Moffett trucks can be used?

Moffett trucks are highly adaptable but may be limited in extreme weather conditions or environments with very narrow or obstructed access points. It is best to consult with our team to assess their suitability for your specific delivery location.

How much can a Moffett lift?

Depending on the model and configuration, Moffett forklifts can lift between 5,000 to 10,000 pounds. Your dedicated account manager will be able to determine the right model for your needs.

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